Category: Books

  • “Presentation Zen” – Garr Reynolds

    From Amazon: Garr Reynolds is an internationally acclaimed communications expert, and the creator of the most popular Web site on presentation design and delivery on the net: A soughtafter speaker and consultant, his clients include many in the Fortune 500. A writer, designer, and musician, he currently holds the position of Associate Professor of…

  • Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation – Daniel J. Siegel

    From Wikipedia: Daniel J. Siegel (born September 2, 1957) completed his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and his post-graduate medical education at UCLA. His training is in pediatrics and child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. Dr. Siegel is currently clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine where he is on the faculty of the Center for Culture, Brain, and…

  • The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg

    From Wikipedia: Charles Duhigg (born 1974) is a reporter at The New York Times, where he writes for the business section. Prior to joining the staff of theNew York Times in 2006, he was a staff writer of the Los Angeles Times. He lives in Brooklyn, New York City. He is a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Business School. “Charles Duhigg masterfully combines cutting-edge research…