Category: Habit

  • Habit #10 – Make your bed

    ….in fact… “make your bedroom”. “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” ~John Dryden Not every habit has to be complicated… this is an easy one, but it is a “keystone” habit. Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at…

  • Habit #9 – Eat a healthy breakfast – EVERY day

    I think “everyone” knows this one. Sure you can dig up arguments.. and the occasionally article from somewhere claiming that breakfast isn’t that important . But you surely know better. “When we fail to “break a fast” with a nutritious breakfast, it costs our brain dearly. If you eat breakfast, you will be more able to…

  • Habit #8 – Lower your caffeine intake

    Over a period of 20 years I used to drink around 10 cups of black coffee a day (Norwegians love black coffee). I usually drank 3-4 cups black coffee before having any breakfast.. truth be told.. black coffee was my breakfast. Normally I didn’t eat anything before lunchtime. During the last year’ish I’ve had a…

  • Habit #7 – Falling Up – update

    This is not a daily habit.. hopefully. But it’s a good habit to learn.. we all “fall” now and then. It’s about using that downward momentum to propel ourselves in the opposite direction. It’s about capitalizing on setbacks and adversity to become even happier, even more motivated, and even more successful. It’s not falling down,…

  • Habit #6 – The Power of Smile

    Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. —Thich Nhat Hanh It’s important to understand that a real smile fuels your well-being & happiness. When you smile: People are more willing to help you. You are more willing to help others. You create a…