Habit #3 – Habit: Review & Reflection

I recommend running weekly & monthly reviews. I also do a “mid-year” (July) & end-year (late December) review.

My weekly/monthly reviews is based on David Allen’s GTD system, with some modifications:

  1. Get all in-boxes to zero.
    All emails & paper has to be processed, no excuses… use your lists.
  2. Review all calendars: last week & the coming week.
    Be sure that you are in control.
  3. Review your Weekly MIT’s (Most Important Task)
    Before moving on to the lists, remember to SIMPLIFY.
    Remove everything but the essential projects & tasks.
    Optional: Put them on your Someday/Maybe list.
  4. Review your action lists.
  5. Review your project lists.
  6. Review your Monthly MIT’s – Monthly Review
  7. Review your someday/maybe lists – Monthly Review
  8. Review your “Reflection document” – Monthly Review
  9. Review all calendears for upcoming month – Monthly Review
  10. Review “Horizon of Focus” (Level 2 & 3) mindmaps – Monthly Review

If you manage to create a habit of doing a weekly review… you will get a “control-boost”.. People feeling in control tend to more happy and content.

David Allen talks about the GTD Weekly Review:

Highly recommended.

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